Bedroom design: basic zoning techniques from designer Anna Razumova

Bedroom design: basic zoning techniques from designer Anna Razumova
The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. If it is comfortable and comfortable, staying in it gives you relaxation and does not cause irritation.
Zoning a bedroom usually means dividing a room into two functional zones: a bedroom and another (its function is determined by the needs of the owners).
Another integral, albeit quite independent part of the bedroom is the storage area.
In the case when space allows, here you can design a full-fledged
a dressing room, which will include not only the closet itself, but also additional items for convenient storage of clothes, as well as a large mirror and proper lighting.
Did you know that getting the perfect bed is only half the battle, finding the perfect spot for it in your bedroom is imperative.
It is enough to competently use the free space, which means to look at things more broadly. A wardrobe can be placed not only in a closet, and books do not have to be stored on a single bedside table.