Interior design in Classic style
Interior design in Classic style
About style.
There are many constantly changing styles and trends in interior design, and it can be difficult to choose something specific. In such cases, you should pay attention to the classic style in the interior. Something is fashionable, something is out of fashion, but something is forever, and the design in the classic style will always be relevant, in contrast to the ultra-modern bright solutions. And given the cost of buying and arranging an apartment, this is an excellent solution - such repairs will not become obsolete for many more years, which means it will not require additional investments. The classic interior has a unique aesthetic and creates an atmosphere of ancient luxury in the house. This style is quite conservative, but the abundance of details, the variety of textures and materials allow you to experiment, even while remaining within the framework of the historical canons.
First of all, these are noble materials: mahogany and ebony, marble, stone, mother of pearl, leather and fur. It is quite permissible to use their budget counterparts, but be careful with cheap imitation. A classic house cannot be imagined without heavy velvet, gold brocade, shiny silk and colorful tapestries. The same can be said about wood, especially hardwood - solid furniture, wall panels, and parquet floors can be made from it. Forged elements look spectacular and organic in a classic interior, for example, a headboard or a chandelier.
First of all, these are noble materials: mahogany and ebony, marble, stone, mother of pearl, leather and fur. It is quite permissible to use their budget counterparts, but be careful with cheap imitation. A classic house cannot be imagined without heavy velvet, gold brocade, shiny silk and colorful tapestries. The same can be said about wood, especially hardwood - solid furniture, wall panels, and parquet floors can be made from it. Forged elements look spectacular and organic in a classic interior, for example, a headboard or a chandelier. Carved, patterned details, curved legs of tables, chairs and sofas, dressers and bathtubs on golden lion paws - luxury does not tolerate half measures. English classics are characterized by more massive headsets (sets of several pieces of furniture), and the French school prefers furniture of similar shapes, but lighter and lighter, perhaps wicker. It is customary to arrange furniture in a classic interior freely, filling the space with bedside tables, tables and poufs. A special chic is a large bed with a heavy canopy in the center of the room.
White, ivory, cream and pastel shades and their combinations always look advantageous in a classic interior. Light colors expand the space, “lighten” bulky furniture, and a classic-style apartment acquires special elegance. Gold, copper, bronze are almost indispensable for use, especially in accessories and decoration. Bold, pure colors like electric blue, emerald, coral, and fuchsia can add vibrancy and bohemian chic to your interiors. On the contrary, chocolate, graphite, burgundy, bottle green and other dark colors will make the design more strict. Prints and ornaments are another characteristic feature of the classics. Embroidered monograms, woven flowers or rich painting will be more appropriate here than ever.
High ceilings, wide corridors and large, or better panoramic windows, just like in old mansions or castles, are the most organic in the classic interior. If the layout of the house does not allow swinging, mirrors and competent zoning will help to visually enlarge the room. Another tribute to antique standards is the symmetrical arrangement of furniture and decor.
Perhaps no style suggests such a number and variety of decorative elements, but it is important not to overload the room with decorations. Textile decor is very popular - all kinds of pillows, curtains, draperies, fringes and tassels. Mirrors or paintings in massive gilded frames with stucco will look great on the walls, and ceramic figurines and dishes on the mantelpiece. A large chandelier made of crystal or glass, several lamps and candlesticks will perfectly complete the classic ensemble, and if necessary, you can add spot lighting. How do you know if a classic design is right for you? If you love comfort and luxury, are attentive to details, or maybe just dreamed of an exquisite salon or a chic boudoir - do not hesitate.
How and what we do
Interior design
Houses, apartments, commercial real estate.
Houses, apartments, commercial real estate.
3D visualization
From 3 to 5 working days.
24/7 from the signing of the contract to the delivery of the object.
Style Classic in projects