Interior design in Contemporary style
Interior design in Contemporary style
About style.
Designers define the contemporary style in the interior, as something different from hi-tech or minimalism. It is perfect for those who do not want to limit themselves to rigid boundaries, but at the same time love convenience and functionality. The history of contemporary music began recently - in the 20th century, and its predecessors are called minimalism, constructivism and Scandinavian style. People at that time faced the problem of decorating small squares and communal apartments. They were furnished simply and modestly, supplemented with mass-produced decor and furniture, and often finishes and materials did not match well. This is how the idea arose that the contemporary style is characterized by a certain eclecticism. In European countries, the style spread thanks to the Bauhaus school. This architectural and artistic association endeavored to create functional and laconic furniture. She had to look original and unusual and at the same time be accessible. Budgetary, flexible and versatile contemporary interior design quickly spread and is a success to this day.
Quality natural materials are used as a basis. It is better that they meet all the requirements and be environmentally friendly. This can be, for example, a polished natural board, which is perfect for wall decoration. In addition, you can see elements of natural stone - granite or marble. Much attention is paid to glass - partitions and decorative elements are made from it. Leather is used primarily as a furniture cover, but other uses are possible. Non-natural materials can also be used, but of high quality. For example, laminate or artificial stone.
Since the style itself began with the production of functional furniture, it is worth paying special attention to it. For contemporary style, furniture should be simple, inexpensive materials, but at the same time aesthetic and functional. These can be: folding tables, modular wardrobes, shelves. Remember that the basic rule is that all furniture should take up little space.
This style is characterized by light, calm colors, on which the gaze does not linger and which do not irritate the beholder. It can be: white and its shades, gray-brown colors, graphite. But the contemporary is no stranger to the color accents made with the help of bright elements. It can be decor and decoration in such colors: blue, red, blue, orange.
Even if the area of the apartment is small, you can create a contemporary design. You just need to leave as much free space as possible and do zoning with decor or furniture. This style is characterized by simplicity of form, which means that an ordinary room in a panel house is an ideal field for experiments in contemporary art. Everything should be simple and functional at the same time. To free up space and leave more air, multifunctional folding furniture is often used in contemporary interiors.
In order for a design in this style to be complete, a lot of attention should be paid to the right lighting. Artificial and natural light are equally important. As much daylight as possible is the main rule. Therefore, if there are many windows to the apartment, they try to use them as much as possible, preferring transparent curtains to curtains or limiting themselves to blinds. Luminaires of the correct geometric shape are used. No curls and pomp in the Rococo style! In addition to lighting, decor is also important - after all, it is he who revives the calm interior and brings zest to it. Often large living plants can act as it. The rest of the decor is selected by the owner of the room at his discretion. When using this style to decorate a room, do not forget that its main idea is simplicity and functionality. Therefore, everything should be exactly that: laconic, but at the same time - eye-catching.
How and what we do
Interior design
Houses, apartments, commercial real estate.
Houses, apartments, commercial real estate.
3D visualization
From 3 to 5 working days.
24/7 from the signing of the contract to the delivery of the object.
Contemporary style in projects